We are passionate about Cameroon’s vision to soon transition into an emerging economy.
Inspire Cameroon performs the following services.
Inspire Cameroon makes the admission process, into a UK higher educational institution, a seamless and reassuring process.
Technology catch-up necessitates evidence of “technological capabilities”, which encompasses packages of knowledge and skills, and a whole series of institutions.
Directed efforts to attract home the highly skilled diaspora (the skills bank) could help the nation streamline economic priorities, bolster emerging tech innovation activities and fast-track Cameroon into an emerging economy.
Investment makes it possible to produce new and improved products, whilst it is often said that “an economy is the effect for which enterprise is the cause”. The nation needs increasing measures of these activities to sustain economic development.
As the nation sets out its economic priorities and related policies, it is necessary to have timely access to industry-specific specialists / consultants and subject matter expertise.
Self-motivation and personal character building, especially for the younger generation, are essential ingredients of participative economic development.